Differences Of Roman And Greek Religion In Ancient Rome

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Religion dominated the Romanians, and played a big role in the lives of individuals and the state, because of the firm belief that the gods are able to achieve good for everyone who pleases them. And the early Romans, like other peoples of ancient civilizations, worshiped many hidden gods and powers and believed that all natural phenomena and the course of human life had gods or powers. You control and achieve them, so either you are good to benefit them or evil that leads them. The Romans were influenced by the religions of the people they came into contact with, such as the Greeks, and took some of their religious beliefs from them. Thus, the Romans believed in some of the gods of other civilizations with all their secrets and rituals, gave them their original names, and called them Roman names. They took many gods from the Greeks, including:

Zeus worshiped him under the name "Jupiter", who is the father of gods and human beings and the Lord of the heavens and the earth. …show more content…

One of the most important differences, the first of which is the names, differ in the names of the gods in the Roman religion and the Greek religion. The second difference between the two religions is the embodiment and visualization of the gods. In the Greek religion, the gods are distinguished by a very overwhelming and unusual beauty, while the Roman religion did not care about the embodiment or imagining of the gods as much as the yeoman religion cared about. "the vivid pictorial imagination of the Greeks began to influence them, they lacked the Greek taste for seeing their deities in personalized human form and endowing them with mythology."(Grant, 2022, para. 3). There are rituals and religious practices of the Romans that are wonderful and a little strange, but I think they are similar to most religions and there is nothing special about them that made me wonder or ask about these