
Different Forms Of A Government In The United States

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Government; what do you think when you hear this word? Do you think of Democrats? Do you think of freedom? What about President Trump? Now let's analyze your answer. If you said yes to any of these questions then you base government off of America. The only problem with basing government off of America is that it is very different from the rest of the world. You will learn about the different governments later in this paper. If you didn't say yes to any of the questions, then you understand that not all governments are the same. Since all governments are different, what does make all governments the same? They all keep order, provide protection, and protect our natural rights.
To understand why we need a government, we need to know …show more content…

A government can come in many different forms, "some have one leader who has all the control. Others give power to the people.” (Who Rules? 1). In the end it falls under one of five categories: autocracy, democracy, oligarchy, theocracy, or anarchy. “An autocracy is a government in which one person has all the power.” (Who Rules? 1). Anarchy can take two different forms: a monarchy or a dictatorship. A monarch’s power is usually inherited, while a dictator’s power is achieved through force. An example of this is the past version of the UK. “In a democracy, citizens hold the political power.” (Who Rules? 1). A democracy can either be direct or representative. In a direct democracy, citizens voice their own opinions in government by going to the nations meetings. Larger countries cannot do this because of their population but this way of government is perfect for smaller countries. A representative democracy is where the vote on representatives to represent them in government. The United States is an example of a representative democracy. “In an oligarchy, a small group of people has all the power.” (Who Rules? 2). This group usually consists of wealthy people. Sometimes it’s a group of military …show more content…

In anarchy people fight and put other people’s safety in danger. With a government, laws being made will not only keep everyone in order, but it will also keep people safe. There is also law enforcement to enforce these laws to truly keep people safe. We need to be kept safe because people don’t always know right from wrong, so they try to hurt others and if the government didn’t stop them, then who would? No one would help you, because in a state of nature everyone “would always be at war with everyone else.” (Why Government? 1). We need the government to protect

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