Different Types Of Schizophrenia Essay

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Different Types of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic, and generally disabling brain and behavior disorder that affect people throughout history. People that hear voices that other people don’t hear, they can get agitated very easily. A lot the of time their conversation don’t make sense, which can be terrifying to other people. A schizophrenia person don’t work because they can’t hold a job, and they are not responsible for themselves but if they take their medication and if don’t take their medication they could end up on the streets homeless. The medication will control their disorder. There are two types of schizophrenia, paranoid and disorganized. The paranoid person might be able to be in a relationship than a person with disorganized schizophrenia. Sometime a person can live a better life than other disorder. They easily get upset if …show more content…

Different subtypes of schizophrenia are defined according to the most significant an predominant characteristic present in each person at each point in time. Paranoid Subtype is the presence of auditory hallucinations or prominent delusional thoughts about persecution or conspiracy. Paranoid subtype people are more functional and able to work and have relationships better than the disorganized schizophrenia. Some people can live a normal life if they take their medication to keep the disorder under control. The reasons are not clear yet. Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common subtype. People diagnosed with this subtype may not appear odd or unusual and may not readily discuss the symptoms of their illness. A person’s temperaments and general behaviors often are related to the content of the disturbance of thought. For example, people who believe that they are being persecuted unjustly may be easily angered and become hostile. When symptoms are in a phase of exacerbation or worsening, there may be some disorganization of the thought

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