Schizophrenia In Challenger Deep By Neal Shusterman

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In the book Challenger Deep, by Neal Shusterman, Caden states, “Everyone presents differently, and responds to meds differently, and no prognosis can truly be predicted.”(Shusterman, 298). To restate the quote, everybody’s diagnosis will be different. However, people with schizophrenia can generally expect similar effects. Schizophrenia is a nefarious mental illness that affects a person’s brain. Effects of schizophrenia include symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and unorganized thinking; increased depression and suicidal thoughts; and discrimination/stigmas. First and foremost, schizophrenia is made up of devastating symptoms which leave lasting effects on people with the illness. The most common symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, …show more content…

In the quote, Chaudhury explains the figments that make up a schizophrenic’s hallucinations. Another prominent symptom of the atrocious illness is delusions. Mayo Clinic believes, “These are false beliefs that are not based on reality. For example, you think that you’re being harmed or harassed; certain gestures or comments are directed at you; you have exceptional ability or fame; another person is in love with you; or a major catastrophe is about to occur.”(Mayo Clinic Staff, p4). As explained by the Mayo Clinic, delusions affect schizophrenics in an exceedingly negative way. They can see anything, but the illness will tell them there is a deeper meaning. Just as common, unorganized thinking and speech will present themselves during schizophrenia. Medical News Today stated, “Having ‘disorganized speech and thoughts’ refers to an inability to form coherent or logical thoughts, and this leads to disorganized speech.”(Brazier, p8). This quote explains how disorganized thought can form disorganized