Different Ways To Respond To Fear Essay

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Different People Have Different Ways Of Responding To Their Fear

When you try to respond to your fear you might get hurt in the process. For example like in the following source that we used in class. Most of the sources when they try to respond to their fear they suffered from trying to respond but they still managed to respond in a decent way.
The way Coraline responded to her fear was nothing like “Fears of Mrs. Orlando’s” Coraline fights while Mrs. Orlando hides. While Mrs. Orlando hides Coraline is not happy because she was being tricked into something that she first thought it was a good idea to have new parents, who listened did everything that Coraline liked. Coraline was happy until once she was asked by her new parents to give …show more content…

Orlando thinks it is more reasonable to hide from your fear than to fight them. Coraline is maybe afraid of her fake parents. However, Mrs. Orlando does not only have one fear but she is afraid of everything, when I say everything I mean everything for example she is afraid of her own house and she has things that are labeled that might be dangerous therefore she try to keep her distance from them. When gets out of her house she watches for a certain race which in that case is black people who is because she thinks every black person is up to something which in her case is that they are going to do a crime at any time. Once, she thought her leg was grabbed by a black man when she got out of her car. She also wants to keep her older daughters up to date with what happened to her every day. I don’t know why but I don’t think hiding is the best idea because fear holds us back from doing things. I also think that everyone can overcome their fears and in some cases it might be a good idea. I think Mrs. Orlando is smart for talking to someone about her fears because that makes us a stronger person when we talk our issue to our close ones. Like ones Mrs. Orlando sees a dead body on the beach she does not get out of her house for a few days, Mrs. Orlando leaves and goes to her friend's house and tells her everything she had seen. So she stays at her friend’s house for a couple of days. The next time she