Difficult Behavior Self-Efficacy Scale

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The scale has shown substantial reliability tested by internal consistency as well as good test-retest reliability. The inventory contains 15 item at 4-point rating scale that combine measures of feelings of fear/anxiety and feelings of depression/anger (Mitchell & Hastings, 1998). SELF -EFFICACY The scores of self efficacy related to challenging behaviour can be operationalized by Difficult Behaviour Self-Efficacy Scale (Hasting, R. P., & Brown, 2002) which include scale of five items. These five items include direct questions about feelings of confidence, personal difficulties, possible positive effect, satisfaction and control of when dealing with challenging behaviour. Furthermore, the rating scale factor structure, reliability and validity …show more content…

Five main sub-scale scores are calculated from ratings with assigned value of: (-2) very unlikely; (-1) unlikely; (o) equally likely/ unlikely; (i) likely; or (2) very likely (Hastings, 1997). No studies about psychometric properties of the CHABA scale were found. PSYCHOLOGICAL FLEXIBILITY Psychological flexibility can be operationalised by use of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire - II (AAQ-II) has 10-items rated on a 7 point scale. The scale was designed to measure ACT’s model of mental health and behavioural effectiveness, specifically psychological flexibility. Furthermore the rating scale factor structure reliability (test- retest reliability), and appropriate discriminant validity was satisfactory (Bond et al., 2011). WORK RELATED PSYCHOLOGICAL …show more content…

Research around the topic could help to elicit novel ideas and solutions, and hopefully success in initiating a debate around the issue. The result hypothesis regarding the number of incidents of challenging behaviour may assist in plotting possible discrepancies between organization and personnel. The suspected relationship might highlight the importance of communication process between the organization and staff working with intellectual disabilities as well as the perception