Avoidance Of Cyberbullying

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Physical Bullying refers to the intentional harm of an individual using one’s body parts (National Center Against Bullying (NCAB) (2016). This means that physical bullying takes the form of kicking hitting, tripping, pinching etc (NCAB, 2016). An example of physical bullying can be John kicking and tripping Peter every morning. 4.4.2. Verbal Bullying. According to Rivers and Smith (2006), verbal bullying includes swearing, name calling or even threatening. An example of verbal bullying can be Tessa deliberately calling Marie ‘big fat nose’ and threatening to beat her up if she told anyone. 4.4.3. Social Bullying. Social bullying is the kind of bullying that people do not know of (Cassel, Terzian & Bradshaw, 2013). This means that many …show more content…

Therefore, the need to address this dilemma is highly evident in the learners’ efforts to avoid going online (Bureau of Market Research, 2012) . Research has shown that these avoidance efforts include the avoidance of group chats, mxit, and even putting up profile pictures and statuses on whatsapp or facebook (Bureau of Market Research, 2012) . This avoidance shows a level of self-protection against cyber bullying (Wagoner,2014). When victimized, individuals usually deliver non verbal cues to their parents about the emotional trauma they had experienced (Bureau of Market Research, 2012). This text suggests that bullying has extensive effects on an individual, and that most of the time, the family of the victim is not aware of the effects or the occurrence of the event itself. 5.1. The Types of Cyber Bullying. 5.1.1. Flaming. This type of cyber bullying refers to the use of offensive language directed to someone (James & Gilliland, 2013). Flaming can take place in a form of a text to the victim such as: “ you are a bitch”. The offensive nature of such a text can cause self esteem problems as well as those emotional in nature (James & Gilliland, 2013). 5.1.2. Harassment. Harassment refers to discrimination using technology (James & Gilliland, 2013). This discrimination like any other, takes the form of gender, race, religion or even sexual orientation (James & Gilliland, 2013). An example of harassment can be: “Marie is so annoying, I hate Black