L. O Project: Verbal Bullying

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L.O Project
• Bullying is when someone gives repeated, intentional, aggressive behaviour to another person. This behaviour can be anything from physical (e.g hitting, kicking or physical contact) or emotional (teasing and starting rumours) to verbal bullying (when someone tries to seem more dominant than the other using strong, hurtful words). Bullying usually takes place among school children. (Anon., 2013)

• Physical Bullying: physical bullying is an aggressive bodily action towards the same victim that is targeted repeatedly by the same person. The victim targeted is usually smaller and weaker than the bully who would most likely be strong and buff. Physical bullying can involve any physical activity such as hitting, punching, kicking, slapping and ^^^ (Fraser-Thill, 2014)

Verbal Bullying: verbal bullying is when a peer uses harsh, intense and diminishing words towards ‘the victim’ to intentionally insult the victim. The name that ‘the victim’ is being called are usually very cruel and very hurtful for example being called ‘stupid’, ‘useless’ or ‘ugly’. This can sometimes happen in front of their group peers to show that the bully takes preference over the other and that he or she is the dominant person. (Fraser-Thill, 2014) …show more content…

When they come home very badly harmed and are covered in bruises, scars or cuts from being abused by other children it is considered bullying. But when a friend or close friend of someone playfully shoves that person into an object or sarcastically calls someone a funny name, that person will understand her friend’s actions and will react by playfully pushing her into something or calling them a name that they do not really mean. This is not considered