Unkind Behavior: The Three Types Of Abuse

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Some people may show unkind behavior toward you. Such behavior is called abuse. Abuse is rough or harsh treatment. IT is unkind, hurtful, behavior done on purpose. Tell a responsible adult about unkind behavior or abuse. There are three types of abuse.
Emotional Abuse: Some people tease others. Maybe someone has called you names. Maybe someone treated you differently from the way they treated others. This is emotional abuse. IT is harmful to your mental and emotional health.
Physical Abuse: A person may hit, shove, or trip you on purpose. A person may throw things at you. This is physical abuse. Physical abuse can cause injury.
Bullying: A person who threatens or frightens you is a bully. Bullies may harm others emotionally or physically. A …show more content…

• Find help. Go to a parent, guardian, teacher, or other responsible adult when you have private time. Tell the adult that you need to talk, Know where and how to find help if it is ever needed again
• Spend time with friends. Friends give you support in hard times.
• Leave the situation if you are in danger or harm. If a bully tries to abuse you, there are different choices you can make. Look the bully in the eye and say “I expect you to treat me with respect. I will not be bullied.”
• Be aware of your surroundings. Change your routes or the times you do things. Try to stay around a group of safe people when possible.
Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of an entity, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust practices; crimes, or other types of aggression. Abuse of authority, in the form of political corruption, is the use of legislated or otherwise authorized powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by private persons or corporations not directly involved with the government. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official