Bullying Stereotypes

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Teenager can be targets of many types of bullying that have several different effects. Bullying is a serious problem teens and adolescents. There are three types of bullying are: Cyber, physical and emotional. Cyber bullying is writing, saying or acting out or demonstrating negative things online or on a device about a person or people. A bully can do this through text message, pics messages or video. Other types of bullying are physical. This may include punching, kicking and/or pushing. These types of actions are obvious and more common with boys than with girls These are but not limited to; teasing, spreading rumors and sarcasm. This type of bullying is harder to detect than physical bullying as it leaves no physical marks. Cyber bullying can be written on a note or said directly to …show more content…

Physical bullying involves touching someone in a way that is negative and emotionally harming. Physically hurting someone is very rude. Physically bullying someone can have emotional consequences as well. The person being bullied may experience fear and loathing of the bully. They might hide or stay away from school or other activities to avoid being near the bully. Emotional bullying involves exclusion from a group, ignoring a person intentionally or being passively aggressive to someone that has been singled out. This treatment, while not physically harmful can feel terrible to the receiver of the treatment.. Bullying is covert and sometimes hard to notice. Emotionally, bullying is perhaps the toughest to deal with as it is hard to detect and the bully can deny it more easily. Sometimes it may involve more than one bully. In conclusion, the three types of bullying are emotionally, Cyb and physical. The best way to deal with bullying is to not be a bully and to speak up if you or someone you know is a victim of bullying. Parents and teachers can help.These are many ways bullying can affect people lives Including,Depression,Physical