Bullying Of Young People In Australi A Case Study

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This report investigates how serious a problem is bullying of younger people in the Australian society and what are the solutions to 1this problem. The parts that will be investigated are: statistical evidence to demonstrate the percentage of younger people being bullied, different types of bullying, why younger people bully each other, affect on the individual and strategies to deal with issue and what is bullying. Bullying is the deliberate and intentional need to hurt or frighten another individual or group, less powerful than the bully.

Statistical evidence
Bullying is a serious issue in Australian society and requires to be spoken in schools and communities.
Currently, there is an online networking system that makes …show more content…

• 83% of students who bully someone else on networking system and face to face.
• 11% of aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids aged 4 to 14 years said that they were bullied at school because of their culture, in 2008.
Work placement bullying
• 6.9% of women suffered through undesirable sexual actions in work place,
• Approximately 42% of males noted being shouted at in the workplace;

Home • Around 10% of young people 18 to 24 years feel unsecured in their homes at night.

. Bullying is an unwelcome behaviour that harms or upsets and It is taken by a person or a group of people through physically, emotionally, and verbally.
Types of bullying:
There are variety types of bullying, but some of them will be mentioned, such as:
Physical bullying- includes punching, hitting, hurting, stealing someone
Emotional bullying- includes hurting somebody’s character, excluding a friend or another person from a group, ignoring.
Verbal bullying- involves offensive or harmful comments, joking, name- calling.
Cyberbullying – utilising social networking system: sending incorrect emails, awful massages, and post unsuitable photos. 37% of girls reported being bullied online while only 26% of boys skilled

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