Most Asked Questionsabout Bullying Definition

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Is bullying in teenagers an issue worth discussing? In recent times, bullying is proving to be adangerous issue. What is bullying, and how can it affect our teens? What is the differencebetween normal social pains and bullying? This paper will explore all the most asked questionsabout bullying.To begin the examination of any problem, it has to have a definition. Bullying is the repetition ofunwanted aggressive behavior. Bullying is defined by an observable or perceivable powerimbalance. In this definition of bullying, there are two modes, direct and indirect. Direct bullyingis when said bullying occurs in the presence of the target. Indirect bullying is when the bullyingisn't translated to the target. Examples of indirect bullying are spreading …show more content…

Bullying and social pain are oftenconfused with each other, and this confusion can be damaging. Children have proven to be easilyinfluenced and the trauma that bullying can bring is proven to have immense damage. Which subset of children has the highest risk of being bullied? Children with poor social skills, adisability, or even a child/teenager who is a part of the LGBT+ Community are at a high risk ofbeing bullied. Those who are seen as being different are in jeopardy. Yet, there is another subsetof teens who are being bullied. These teens are the popular kids, they are being targeted byrivals and other teenagers due to their high social rank. Robert Faris conducted a study withover 4,000 high school students to see who was being bullied in their schools. He found thatteens climbing the social ladder were becoming more at risk of being bullied. He says "I thinkthese kids are being targeted because they occupy desirable social positions that their rivalsseek". This power struggle is intense and can be damaging to all those involved.The effect of bullying is unsurprisingly extreme, many teens self-image and worth can bedeprecated by bullying. Some lasting effects of bullying can be depression and anxiety.Decreased academic performance and the likelihood of dropping out has also been reported.Some children retaliate in extreme cases with violence, while others may resort to self-harm oreven ending their own lives. While these types of cases are extreme, there is still a possibility ofit occurring, and that in and of itself is extremely dangerous.Bullying can even have damaging influences on the bully. Reports show that people that