Roles Of Bullying In Schools

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Bullying has always been a critical issue in schools for decades. Since the 18th century, bullying has been seen as a common problem. Most students would have experienced bullying in schools. There are a few types of bullying. They are verbal, physical, social and cyberbullying. In these various types of bullying, students could be in a role of an aggressor, a victim or a bystander. No matter what role a student could have been in, bullying is something that can cause a person a lot of pain.

In this report, we will investigate the different roles of bullying. Bullying can be analysed in three different perspectives. The three perspectives are mainly being a bully himself, a victim of a bully and a bystander of a bully. Hence, the act of bullying …show more content…

It is not considered to be physical bullying unless the same victim is targeted repeatedly, the bullies intend to hurt or embarrass the victim. Physical bullying causes a victim to encounter physical and emotional pain. A victim of physical bullying can be easily identified if you find that he often as bruises on his body. In our survey, 61.5% of students who were bullied were physically bullied.

Verbal bullying
Like physical bullying, the goal of verbal bullying is to degrade and demean the victim, while making the bully look dominant and powerful.Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks. Verbal bullying can lead to low self-esteem, as well as depression. Verbal bullying can lead to very physical consequences. A victim, who is very depressed from verbal bullying, could turn to substance abuse or even suicide. In our survey 88.5% of the victims who were bullied were verbally …show more content…

They vent out the anger they have on others who are smaller than them. By attacking other students, bullies feel that they gain a sense of control over their lives and feel superior. One of the unique respondents of our survey said that he bullied others because he was bullied first. This is also something that contributes to building up anger and frustration.
To get attention
Some bullies behave this way because they lack attention from friends, parents or teachers. By bullying someone, they feel popular and are seen to be ‘cool’. This attention seeking goal that bullies causes them to pick on other people who seem smaller than them. This gives them a sense of thrill. In our survey, 14.3% of bullies say that they get a sense of thrill from bullying a certain person.
They are jealous of the victim
Bullies could also bully a particular person because they are jealous of the person’s talents, abilities or possessions. Bullies often target those who they are afraid off and try to put them down. They find this person annoying as they are jealous of him. In our survey, 42.9% of the bullies feel that they bully a certain person because they find him