Suicide Attempts: First National Study Of LGBT Students

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Students from the LGBT community are getting bullied and feeling unsafe at schools. Schools are supposed to make the students feel welcomed but is failing to do so for people with a different sexuality. According to the article, “First National Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual High School Students Health” on the site Centers of Control and Prevention states, that among youth who identify as sexual minorities, the likelihood of death by suicide has been estimated to be two to seven times greater than the likelihood of death by suicide among heterosexual youth (source 3). Suicide connects to getting bullied at school because of sexual preference, students start to feel like they don't belong here. The LGBT students struggle with discrimination …show more content…

On the article called, “New Evidence Helps Explain High Rate Of LGBT Youth Suicide Attempts” by Zack Ford states that 34% of LGBT teens reported having been bullied at school, nearly twice the rate that heterosexual students were bullied which is 19%. This issue matters because LGBT students are not given the respect they deserve, and one of the rights says that everyone has freedom. Later on in the same source it says, that LGBT students were nearly three times as likely by 43% to have seriously considered attempting suicide compared to their heterosexual peers, 15% . The bystanders are indifferent because they lack empathy and enjoy hurting others physically and emotionally. The bullies might be indifferent because of lack of attention at home or get abused. Another reason the bullies may be indifferent is because of the way their parents negatively express themselves about different sexualities. Students who don't care to hurt LGBT students have internalized the idea that it is okay to hurt people who are different. For example, at my old high school, a bully would say he hated LGBT people and would emotionally hurt them because he was educated that way by his parents. Eventually, he got suspended and teachers were concerned about the education students get at home about LGBT …show more content…

Students in the LGBT community feel like they are better off dead and most of the times commit suicide. People's freedom is at stake because not being able to express what you like and who you are takes away from that freedom. An article called “Bullied Gay Teen Who Committed Suicide Said Peers Wanted Him Dead” on the site New York Post by Natalie Musumeci, discusses "An Australian boy committed suicide after a year of relentless bullying for being gay killed himself because he believed peers wanted him dead". The impact students have on LGBT youth is big and as discrimination rises about sexuality, there are more suicides. A bully is like an addict. Bullies are rarely satisfied with one victim. The bullies use and abuse victims and then dispose of them. Although they may initially feel better that they have projected their feelings of badness on to someone else, over time they feel the need to continue

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