Disabled People In The 1800s

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Don't take my word for it, According to ,https://www.adl.org/education/resources/bacBig Bet, you didn’t know there is over 650 million people with disabilities, visible and not visible since 2016. So why now in 2018 we still think they are stupid, abandoned, because studies can still prove that. When people with disabilities are the strongest most unique individuals in the world. Disabilities could happen to anyone invisible and none in visible,so for people who can handle it and not show feel comfortable being them self in world and have more types of things to help them with it. Throughout history the disabled were treated awful, then we became one of the most caring countries in the world. “ In the 1800’s”, the disabled were treated like nobody, they would be most likely dead before they would turn three, and if they were still alive.Garbage would be thrown at the disabled and their parent’s, called names like “idiot or retarded” and even the adults supported there children to make fun of the disabled and considered them useless, to make matters worse they were forced in asylums. …show more content…

They were assumed to be abnormal and feeble-minded, and numerous person were forced to undergo sterilization. People with disabilities were kalso forced to enter institutions and asylums, where many spent their entire lives.