Invisible Disabilities In The 1800s

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Introduction Paragraph

In the 1800’s people with disabilities were considered meager, tragic, pitiful individuals unfit and unable to contribute to society.
Sentence Explaining Hook:
My hook is saying that babies born with a disability don’t fit in with the others,because they are thought of as being different.

People with disabilities are viewed differently and are held at lower standards than well-abled people and has been happening throughout history, as well as having hidden disabilities and facing daily barriers.

Body Paragraph 1-Treatment of the disabled throughout history Throughout history the treatment of the disabled has been unfair.

In the 1800’s, disabled people were were considered insufficient individuals. …show more content…

Someone with a visible disability might need physical therapy or assistive equipment.

Evidence of this can be found on,, “ Often people think the term disability only refers to people who use a wheelchair or walker. On the contrary, the 1994-1995 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) found that 26 million Americans (almost 1 in 10) were considered to have a severe disability, while only 1.8 million used a wheelchair and 5.2 million used a cane, crutches or walker (Americans with Disabilities 94-95).”

Based on this, those with visible disabilities are often seen as needing a wheelchair or cane.

In all, a disability is a mental or physical task.

According to, it states, “In general, the term disability is often used to describe a physical or mental challenge. This could be a bump in life that can be managed, or a mountain that creates serious changes and …show more content…

For example, some people may not be aware that difficulties in getting to or into a place can limit a person with a disability from participating in everyday life and common daily activities. “

This idea states, people with disabilities have many a hard time doing daily things.

Next, people with disabilities can also face physical barriers.

On, it states, “Physical barriers are structural obstacles in natural or manmade environments that prevent or block mobility (moving around in the environment) or access.”

This is showing us people with disabilities can have mental/physical blocks and have difficulties getting around in public.

Lastly, the disabled can have transportation barriers as well.

Evidence of this is shown on, when it states, “Transportation barriers are due to a lack of adequate transportation that interferes with a person’s ability to be independent and to function in society.”

This idea shows that disabled people may not be able to function with other people in public due to not having accommodations to help