Disadvantages Of Deductive Approach

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Deductive Approach Deductive approach is reasoning that works from general to specific. Rules, concepts, theories are introduced first and applications come later. The teacher presents the grammatical rules first and after that gives examples of it. Once the learners understand the rules, they are required to apply them in sentences. Learners can be in control during practice and have less fear of making mistakes in deductive approach (Eisenstein, 1987). In that case, Michael Swan created a guideline; 1. The rules should be correct; 2. The rules should show the limits on the use clearly; 3. The rules should be clear; 4. The rules should be simple; 5. The rules should make us of familiar concepts; 6. The rules should be related. (Widodo, Approaches …show more content…

This approach goes directly to the point and it can be time-saving. 2. Rules can be explained more simply and clearly. 3. Application examples are given immediately. 4. The deductive knowledge acknowledges the role of cognitive processes of adults. 5. It satisfies many learners’ expectations especially who have analytical …show more content…

Before describing the procedures there are four concerns led to the development of these procedures; 1. The rules of the language are explained without encouraging students to communicate. Though it is an economical way, this may prevent learners from communicating the rules actively. 2. The teachers are using the examples and activities from the grammar course books. Teachers should re-design examples from the books since some examples and activities may not be suitable for learners. 3. Some teachers treat grammar as a different part of the language and they separate it from the rest of the language, also they evaluate learners’ grammar separately. This kind of activities and exams are boring for learners and it may make them confused. 4. Often students may make mistakes about the tenses with or without intention. Even if they know the tenses and structures correctly, they may feel confused or may find it hard to apply. Five-step Procedure 1. To build up students’ rule

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