To convert analog signal into digital form is known as Digitization. It is a process of converting real world or physical objects in electronic version so that we can store manipulate and display that object in computer. With digitization that digital form of physical object can be available over network or World Wide Web. Digital version of data is readable by computer; it includes binary form of data that is the 1s and 0s sequence. As we know that computer can read that form of data and can manipulate it too. For the proceeds of digitization the tradition material need to be scan first. Devised which are used for this purposes are scanner, digital cameras etc. once we have that image of material to be convert the next step will be to make the digital copy of that input image, for that some editing are required in that scanned input image. After that preprocessing the recognition
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Digitizing physical records is a key component to an effective information management posture. Digital and physical records provide an array of benefits and help to strengthen an organization’s information. Some of the advantages of digitization are listed here:
A. Access
Allowing increased to the object, is the most-often-cited benefit of digitization. An electronic version of a page, for example, can be theoretically copied and distributed ad infinitum without any degradation in quality. Digitization enables greater access to collections. More importantly, a single copy can be mounted on a server and this can be viewed and downloaded by a large number of users (possibly in the region of hundreds of thousands), simultaneously, and from any location in the world
• With digitization there will be advantage of search over print media.
• Digital data can be accessed in all formats.