Disadvantages Of Fracking

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Hydraulic fracturing or also known as “fracking” is a process that is relatively new and used to extract oil and gas. This process is intended produce oil and gas deposits like shale rock and coalbed formations (Burant et al., 2011). As technology has progressed this process has progressed and new methods such as horizontal drilling has been integrated (Burant et al., 2011). Horizontal drilling allows to further explore as well as extract reserves that may not have been able to be accessed due to the outdated technology (Burant et al., 2011). Fracking is used for extracting shale gas (Burant et al., 2011). This process is starts with having the proper place for the extracting to begin (Burant et al., 2011). Once the proper site is established, what is known as a borehole is drilled in the desired shale formation (Burant et al., 2011). There is cement that is inserted once the formation is drilled …show more content…

Although there are still issues that need to be resolved, hydraulic fracturing is moving toward the right direction. If new methods are to be found that will reduce damage to the environment and humans than fracking can be less damaging and more efficient. Despite fracking being an effective method, there can also be alternatives to this method that may be explored. Having stricter regulations to the fluids left underground that cause the water to be contaminated can provide relief to people. There does not have to be fracking at all, if there were laws that were aimed at further helping reducing fossil and nuclear usage. Another alternative or solutions to these issues can be that there can be wind farms used to create energy. Such alternatives are only some of the many solutions that can be explored outside of fracking. Due to such limited funds and technology, scientists are trying to use the sources they have to ensure that one solution to a problem does not cause other