Disadvantages Of Outcome-Based Education

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Outcomes based education is the most suitable system for South African schools.
Outcome based education is an education reform model. The model focuses on student centred learning methods that measure the student 's performance. South Africa has replaced the existing education system, known as Bantu education policy, by gradually phasing in an Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) approach. South Africa went through a system of apartheid, which was deliberately designed to undermine the majority of the people in the country, especially black majority. This bold step was taken to be in line with international trends, such as; Australia, England, New Zeland and America, moving away from the Content-driven curriculum emphasizing examination results towards an emphasis on facilitating lifelong learning (Department of Education, 1997 cited in Laugksch, Aldridge and Fraser; 2007: 2). I therefore agree with the statement on the basis that academic excellence will enhance further as time progress. Outcomes-based education means clearly focusing and organizing everything in an educational system. This means starting with a clear picture of what is important for learners to be able to do, then organising curriculum, instruction, and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens. (Spady, 1994: 1 cited in SAQA, 1995, pp: 2). It can be said to be a result oriented thinking and is the opposite of input based education. Outcomes-based education is a transformational way of doing