Summary: Student Learning Outcomes

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Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the teaching initiative, undergrad nursing students will be able to: 1. Identify two indications and two contraindications for Foley catheter insertion. 2. Discuss catheter-associated urinary tract infection & apply evidence-based principles for inserting and removal of a catheter. 3. Discuss the population at increased risk for CAUTI and identify evidence-based practice in maintaining a Foley. 4. Identify the appropriate anatomical location for catheter insertion and demonstrate suitable inches for catheter insertion for male versus female. 5. Demonstrate the correct technique in cleaning a catheter using water and soap. 6. Demonstrate taking a specimen from the catheter port using aseptic technique. …show more content…

The method of gaming was implemented into the project because evidence-based- practice literature supports it as a dynamic learning process to improve students learning and enhance test scores. According to Robinson (2014), stipulates using gaming in the classroom rather than question and answer is productive for students. Furthermore, gaming enhances students test score and engagement. Students will be evaluated by providing five gaming questions on catheter insertion, removal, and care. Students worked in small groups collaborate to answer questions related to catheter insertion, extraction, and maintenance. The method that was used to evaluate the students is manually grading of the post-quiz to measure the students’ cognitive ability to retain the information. No apparatus or equipment used during the data collection. Miller and Metz (2014), investigates and compared the perception of the active learning process between students who were exposed to the active learning process in the classroom and members who relied on the lecture as their primary teaching strategy. The study concludes that 89% of students who engages in the active learning process through gaming in the classroom predicted favorable results in the students’ performances and motivated to learn the …show more content…

Student work in small groups of four for the psychomotor skill component and feedback was provided to students by student nurse educators on the spot while performing the procedure. Finally, a five questions gaming was provided to measure student’s cognitive retention of the material discussed and the skill gain. The students worked in collaboratively in groups of four to complete the post-quiz and were given feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. The students score higher than 90% on the post-quiz and verbalize collaborative academia learning milieu was permeated with rich intellectual opportunities needed to demonstrate clinical skills and competencies successfully and to further advance their wisdom on catheter insertion and removal. Hence, as a student nurse educator, I feel privileged to contribute to this project and to have made an impact in the lives of students. Moreover, the student's ability to score high on the post-quiz and to pass their clinical, medical, surgical competency skill examination is indicative of the knowledge of my teaching strategy and

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