Performance Appraisal In Research

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2.1 What is Performance Appraisal?

Performance management is a comprehensive activity aimed at improving employees’ performance (DeNisi & Pritchard, 2006). Armstrong and Baron (1998) cited in Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) (2009:2) define performance management as “a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved. A strategy which relates to every activity of the organization set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. …show more content…

This shows that the PAS is used in more than one purpose. This is in line with six objectives in Malaysian Government Circular no. 4/2002, 1) All of the objectives are aimed to achieve an effective human resource (HR) development in Malaysian public sectors. Recent researches show that most common purpose of PA is administrative and developmental (Bistakova, 2010; Kim & Rubianty, 2011). However, most of the employees perceived the administrative purpose of PAS is unfair because it is influence by friendship and political factors during the appraisal process (Selvarajan & Cloninger, 2012). Similarly, Macleod (2003) cited in Hunnes et al (2012) argues that performance-related reward is based on line managers; subjective …show more content…

In order to avoid the element of surprise during the formal appraisal process, line managers must provide an ongoing and informal feedback to the employees throughout the course of the appraisal cycle (Clintron & Flaniken, 2011). Additionally, Randall (2012) stresses that thr importance of the periodic review is to make sure that everything is on track. Any delay on the feedbacks will cause the ineffectiveness of the corrective action.

Moreover, Agbola et al (2011) found that the employees in Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (Ghana) could not take any corrective action in executing their jobs because they were not given any feedback. Employees need to have some information about their performance before identifying what would be necessary for the skills and knowledge development to improve their performance. However, this finding might be different from Malaysia public sector because performance review’s meeting is held once every 4 years in Ghana public health sector compared to Malaysian public sector that exercised PA once a