
Disadvantages Of Slavery Research Paper

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Disadvantages of the education of slaves could go on and on as well. Slaves are looked upon as poor and if there with wealthy slave owners, they will most likely receive education. One may think that having education as a slave is great, but it kind of is not. The reason why is because once the slave learns words, they will start to understand what their slave owners may be talking about. The slaves will finally come to understand that they themselves are slaves. It would be very heartbreaking to finally learn what and who you are after so long of being that thing. To learn that the whites just throw you around and treat you like your nothing would really hurt. To know that you are just being used and will never be able to escape slavery until …show more content…

The slave will feel like they are on top of the world because they finally know how to read and write. The slaves actually know that they need to try and escape the horrible life. They go through such dangerous obstacles just to try and get help from other people. They start writing letters of what their going through and then try to have them published through companies. The slaves want their stories to get out into the world, so that people know what is going on. Help is what they want from other people. This leads to slave owners putting up advertisements for their slaves that have gone missing. They usually will offer an award which will be money so that if anyone sees their missing slave, they are to tell the slave owner. Once returned back to their owner, the owner can choose what he/she wants to do with the slave. In some cases, they kill the slave. They go to the extreme and will do what they got to do. Slaves typically get abused most of the time by their slave owner for doing things that they were told not to do. Sometimes they will get abused and mistreated for no reason.The main abuse is physical abuse and sexual abuse. The consequences that slaves go through because of them attempting to escape is just …show more content…

As each day passes, they start to learn something new about who they are. This causes some of the slaves to go through depression and even anxiety. Even though the lives of slaves were already bad enough, once they found out that they were a slave, there lives just got worse. If I were a slave back then, I would have given up and not fight back. I would not have tried to rise up against the whites because I would be too scared

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