Discourse Analysis Of Genocide

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Genocide has occurred by being justified as the only way to deal with fundamental problems in a certain society. Especially, when imperialism and fascism were rampant around the world, numerous people were killed by the reasons of their ethnicities, religions, or ideologies that majority groups had hostility towards. Some people think genocide is just a part of world history as it nearly occurs. The importance of equal society has addressed a lot for a few decades, and that has a lot of things to do with genocide. Genocide still occurs due to antagonistic position towards a particular group, and it is a radical and aggressive discrimination; which takes a big part of nowadays social problem. Accordingly, to be aware of genocide is important in terms of history as well as current social issues. Moreover, it requires considerable carefulness to bring genocide into conversation as a topic because it has a lot of sensitiveness related to someone's background and various interpretations existing. It is significant to know right way to describe and treat genocide. How can we have appropriate perspective and knowledge of genocide? We can distinguish between the absurd justification and the realistic interpretation towards …show more content…

To explain the detail definition and historical process of perception in terms of genocide, I am going to use 'discourse analysis' that is capable of comparing various interpretations and creating a representational concept of my topic. All three articles are started with addressing basic explanations of genocide, how the very fundamental interpretations and meanings have been constructed. They are going to be collected through discourse analysis, and the collected data will build a firm foundation of appropriate knowledge of genocide. To be more specific, all the three articles' writers approach to the concept of genocide from different