Discrimination In Brave New World Essay

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Discrimination happens everywhere all the time it happens in schools, the work force and in works of literature. One book in particular is “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, where John, the main character, is trapped between two worlds neither of which he can fit in with. Discrimination has always and will always be an issue based on the ways of thinking people can use while interacting with others. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley features two distinct worlds, one that is remote and practices traditional values (such as one man and one woman), while the other is scientifically advanced and believes that everyone belongs to everyone. The two communities only occasionally interact when the people from the new world go to the reservation …show more content…

loyalty, individual vs. community, short- term vs. long- term, and justice vs. mercy. But the two most influential are individual vs. community and short- term vs. long- term. For the book the world controllers must think about the community as a whole, thus they make it mandatory to receive conditioning to shape the minds of the people into thinking that they are always happy. Individual vs. community can lead to discrimination seeing that in most cases the decision makers most of the time will go with the best option for the community so that the majority of the people will be …show more content…

Rules-based thinking is considering all of the rules in the given situation and choosing to follow them no matter what could happen. An example of rules- based thinking can be seen in the Catholic church, many think that the church hates gay people seeing that they will not allow a gay couple to get married within the church, but they are following the rules set in the bible. Even though they are sticking to their religious beliefs, they are discriminating against a group of people which can be taken in a hurtful