Structural Discrimination In The Social Norm Analysis

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Discrimination is defined as the treatment of people in favor or against because of their skin color, gender, ethnicity, and religion. In all kinds of discrimination, the starting point is the construction of difference, which means what it is to be seen as the normal, the social norm in the society. An example, important in this context, is that the social norm in Germany is to be white (We may need to talk about this point). People in groups that do not live up to the dominant norm can therefore be discriminated (IDA-NRW, 2016). There are many different ways of how discrimination appears in society. As earlier defined, institutional discrimination is not actions directed to single individuals but in structural conditions at a societal level. …show more content…

This can be explained by a traffic jam, metaphorically speaking. No one denies that traffic jams happen or that it is impossible to get through traffic. But traffic jams still form because people choose to take their car to work. That means the problem arises as a result of different decisions not intending to bring a negative result. Traffic jam is also happen because of the infrastructure, broader roads, better public transportation system and the “bad guys” of the traffic jam are those that choose to drive alone when other options are available. People carpooling or do not have any other choice are not as blameworthy even though their behavior still contributes to the traffic jam. The problem is structural, meaning the processes that create the traffic jam contain a range of decisions that is in fact about something else and different circumstances make traffic jams an unintentional effect. Insofar we are responsible for the behavior that produces traffic jams, even if one choses to stay home or take the bus, the traffic jam would still be there. In this case, office hours, gas price and attitudes towards driving is a part of the structure that maintain the existence of traffic jams. In the same way unaware structural discrimination can be explained. Average people in everyday life unintentionally and harmlessly showcase behavior for instance unconsciously pay less attention while listen to people from a lower group of the society. The infrastructure in the metaphor can be compared to informal social codes, misleading representation in the news from certain groups, popular culture, and residential segregation (Brax, 2014). Therefore, critical whiteness may play an important role in making these unaware patterns of behavior that result in discrimination by those people who are