Discrimination In Sociology

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The section that was scored the lowest was amazing considering it was two categories that were at a low level which were Gender and Sexuality. The highest score was race, and the categories that had similar scores were Disability and Weight. The reasoning behind the scores is calibrated with the questions. The questioning in the race categories is not proving if the person taking the test is racist but to see what the level comfort would be when facing certain situations. For example, one of the questions asks what comfort rate would be for someone if they were to set next to someone who is obese. There are those in society who would feel uncomfortable setting with someone who is obese, but there are those who would set down with no concern …show more content…

One incident that can be recalled is based on the age prejudice. The experience is based on the fact me and my husband have an age difference and we are ridiculed consistently due to this fact. The one experience was infuriating was the fact someone told me I was too old to further my education, there is no age limit required when someone want to complete a degree in any subject of choice. The prejudice in society today is unbearable, this due to being bullied because of short comings, as well as being overlooked for employment due to age, sex, and race. The world is changing and it is a sad reality to know that there are people who are prejudice in their way of …show more content…

There are different programs and functions that can be used for people to understand different cultures and race to give them an up close view of why the United States is a multicultural country. Cultural fairs have been successful in introducing different cultures to people to give them an understanding as well as knowledge about the culture to reduce the prejudice that has been occurring. Prejudice and Discrimination can be stopped in modern society if people would allow themselves to allow their comfort levels to reduce to gain knowledge instead of