
Discriminatory Exercises

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The first training is the reverence for life. This entails being aware of the suffering caused by the ending of a life and moving forward into the world with the compassion to protect all living things as well as the planet we share. This can be done by cultivating openness, not discriminating and detaching oneself from views that could transform into violent acts.
This is actually a very desirable way to live one’s life. Violence is mostly a response due to a particular set of emotions. Actions that result as a response from anger, fear, greed or intolerance tend to evolve into discriminatory thinking, which further alienates people from each other. Discriminatory thinking is typically the result of fear and/or anger. In terms of lifestyle changes I could start by being less wasteful. Living in a consumer culture we’ve have gotten used to consuming/ using things things till they support our needs then throw them away. The amount of waste we produce has shown to have negative effects on the environment including contributing to global warming. Another lifestyle change is limit the amount of meat I consume. The way meat is prepared from livestock is quite sickening. Animals are pumped full of antibiotic drugs and slaughtered in a very inhumane way in an assembly …show more content…

True happiness is achieved through being generous in your speaking, thinking and acting. This basically means that true happiness is collective happiness and cannot be attained without understanding and compassion. If you spend your entire life in the pursuit of selfish pleasures such as wealth, fame and or power it will only lead to your further suffering. True happiness is also an internal condition. If your state of happiness is controlled by external factors then you really aren't living in the present moment. Finally the type of suffering that conflicts with true happiness is things such as: exploitation, social injustice, stealing and

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