Discuss The Changes In Colonial America

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There has been many changes that took place in the Americas since 1750 and at the present time. It all began with the European emigration that aided in the expansion of territories, and as a result created colonies in the Americas. European colonies were started in the Americas which included the United States, South American, and Central America and were mainly colonized by the British, French, and the Spanish. It then continued into Canada and Asia. During the course of the territorial expansion, social, political, and economic development was breaking grounds. These historical changes is significant in the understanding of the Americas today. Although these regions were different, their struggle for freedom, equality, econonic advances, …show more content…

The existence of the colonies sparked debates between colonizers which resulted the American people to revolt. As a consequence, the American Revolutionary War took place with the goal to gain independence from the British government. The American Revolution was a fight that had concerns for preserving and defending culture, character, and power structure, and not necessarily to bond as a single nation but against assimilating to the British establishmentsWoodard115. After the Revoluntionary War, the American people won the independence from the powers of the European coloniers. Between the late eighteen and nineteenth century, the Americans would experienced much difficulties in the construction of states and societies. With an unsteady society constituting other regions with different economic and social framework, they made a government, and will eventually built the most powerful state where regions of North America would be under the United States …show more content…

Industrialization resulted in factories, purposeful machinery, and mass production of products. Its positive result improved invention of transportation, new technologies, lifestyle, and communication. However, the negative effects encouraged slavery and corruption such as its contribution to the development of Peru and Canada. One very unfortunate result of the Peruvian colonization was the mistreatment of the indigenous inhabitants in Peru. British colonizers were committing atrocities against humanity with the purpose of profiting from the colony’s resources. A Peruvian Amazon Company, a rubber trade company that was ran by Julio Cesar Arana in the Putumayo region of the Amazon, was founded purely on cruelty JordonGoodman2009. Around the same time in Canada, Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont, the two Canadian figures who had helped shape Canada, were fighting for the rights of the Métis people. The problem at this time was the contruction of the railroad across Canada and surveyors who were interested in their land. The Métis people knew they had the rights over the land they were living on, but when they petitioned the Canadian governement to receive the rights to their land, the government ignored their request. Because they did not have the title to their land, the government would sale it to