
Discussing Questions And Answers On 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

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When my lady says she is telling the truth, I do believe her, but I know she lies. Though she thinks I am not smart enough to understand this.

I like how she thinks I am young, but yet she knows how old I am.

I give her credit for her lies, but we both know the truth. But who am I to say that she is unjust and that I am actually that old? Love is trust and there is no age in love.

Therefore, we both lie to each other and with each other, but we keep the relationship going.

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1.At first, I thought this sonnet would be about Shakespeare and his lover because the sonnet is written in first person and talks about his love life. It was pretty easy to come to this conclusion. I also assumed that it would be about her lying because he is constantly talking about lies and the truth in the sonnet. …show more content…

I think he is talking to people who may be in the same situation as him.

3.In this sonnet, one example of imagery is in line thirteen, it says, "Therefore I lie with her, and she with me," this is visual imagery because people can picture them lying together somewhere. It also could be understood as them not telling the truth to each other.

4.There were two metaphors that I understood, in line six where it states, "Although she knows my days are past the best," this metaphor is talking about a woman knowing how old a guy actually is. Also, in line one it says, "she is made of truth," here the speaker us comparing her lover to truth. There were no similes in the sonnet that I could find.

5.There were no historical, Biblical, or mythological references in this sonnet.

6.I like lines thirteen and fourteen because they sum up the guy's thoughts, and I can picture them lying in their bed together just staring at the ceiling and it got me thinking. It was also catchy due to the

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