Discussions For The Reflective Essay Analysis

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On the 11th of December 2017, I initiated a discussion titled ‘Discussions for the Reflective Essay’ (Entwistle, 2017). Three days later, Tarra Excell introduced the detention centres in Manus Island and Nauru as a discussion point (Excell, 2017). Ashlee Preece responded, stating that her ex-husband worked in these detention centres; relaying that the treatment of the asylum seekers is exaggerated by the media (Preece, 2017). I agreed with Preece, and Excell later concurred with being weary of the media (Entwistle, 2017 & Excell, 2017). Preece replied to my comment, stating that she was ‘terrified to have an opinion at the risk of being slammed for being racist’ (Excell, 2017, “Discussions for the Reflective Essay”). The aim of this essay is to reflect on how my values and beliefs have affected my response to this discussion. I thought that Preece was reasonable in her approach, as she highlighted the need for proper screening of refugees (Preece, 2017). Excell’s initial response made me …show more content…

(2017, December 19). Discussions for the Reflective Essay [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from https://usqstudydesk.usq.edu.au/m2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=702169 Excell, T. (2017, December 14). Discussions for the Reflective Essay [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from https://usqstudydesk.usq.edu.au/m2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=702169 Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2017). Culture and Psychology (6th edn.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Preece, A. (2017, December 18). Discussions for the Reflective Essay [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from https://usqstudydesk.usq.edu.au/m2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=702169 Shkurko, A. (2015). Cognitive Mechanisms of Ingroup/Outgroup Distinction. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 45(2), 188-213. doi: 10.1111/jtsb.12063 Stets, J. E., & Burke, P. J. (2000). Identity Theory and Social Identity Theory. Social Psychology Quarterly, 63(3), 224-237. Retrieved from