Reflective Essay Examples

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Reflective essay
This reflective essay is going to discuses about the learning outcomes of interdisciplinarity and environment subject; I have been studied in the second semester 2014. Further, in this reflective essay i would elaborate the strength and weaknesses of knowledge practises and challengers to be faced while working on collaboration and integration of cross disciplinary knowledge practise in environmental decision making. For that i would incorporate my experiences in which i have been working as a researcher in a socio economic field of knowledge. In addition to that i might incorporate knowledge i gained from the lectures, tutorials, reading materials and gathered experiences from group activities in this subject as well as others. …show more content…

Then i again went back to the reading provided and clarify the issues which i had previously experienced in lecturers and then i realise the clear intention of the subject and its objectives. In the first assignment, it was asked to discuss the strength and weakness of the GOV-6 document and needed to reframe it. Even though, i could critique the document, but, i struggle to reframe it. Then i realise how hard the real world problems and why it is so difficult to understand, because it is combine with physical and social complexities. Other issues i found were uncertainty nature and difficulties to define the problem due to little knowledge about it(Head 2008). In second week of lecture, Lauren talked about the difficulties of framing environmental problems due to wicked problems. Also, Ruth in week 3 talks about use of system thinking and reflexive practice to understand the wicked environmental problems and some characteristics of system thinking(Daniels & Walker 2012). Further, my knowledge and understanding of framing of environmental problems was broadening by going through the readings given (Lakoff 2010; Markusson et al. 2014) and obtained feed back to the assignment and reading few high standard fellow students assignments posted in the LMS(Learning Management Systems). i understood that the aim of the first assessment was actually facilitate to me to understand the expectations of the subject as well as …show more content…

Initially we were struggling to define the problems, because everybody is defining the problem by their own knowledge and experiences. Other important issue I found was the language and the communication which we were used to understand and explain the problem. I tackled the problem in a socio economic perspective and my group mates faced difficulties where way I framed and explaining the problem using my discipline terms. As mention in the readings of Bracken and Oughton (2006) and week 9 lecture on Lauren explaining the barriers of knowledge integration and importance of language in developing interdisciplinary research. Further, to elaborate and simplify the task we all came to broader definition by incorporating each other disciplines by barnstorming. Like during the Don Henry lecture, he mention collaboration for sustainability while making example on ‘Al Gore’s 24 hours of reality’ movie by enplaning same problem by different view point at different disciplines. It will make easiness to understand and define the boundaries on our own way. I realized that we were working on this task as a boundary management team (Lauren week 7). While incorporation each other disciplines, expertise and knowledge gain from the lectures and readings, i hoped we have been developed a credibility, legitimacy and salience comprehensive output at last (Cash et al.