Disease Registries

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What Is An Intro In the medical world today, more and more patients are being diagnosed with diseases every day. The need to keep track and record those diseases and their treatments is constantly growing. Medical officials have developed systems that aid in organizing and cataloguing said diseases and the resulting treatments each patient receives. These are disease registries, and most major hospitals are using them today. In addition to that, disease management programs are being put in place based on the information they receive from the registries, and these programs are being effectively put into place to assess and treat certain diseases. The two methods of information gathering and processing, disease management and disease registries, …show more content…

Some use manual methods, where they input the information they’ve collected themselves. Others use automatic programs that take the information plugged into that organization’s own records and apply it into the program by itself. The most commonly used programs are a mix of both where the data can be easily opened up in a different program and manipulated. Most people feel a mix of the two if the best way to do it, specifically a system with automatic input and somebody editing it manually. Most registries that are used, because they have more things you can do with them, cost about 500 dollars to use …show more content…

Comprehensive disease management programs have five main components in which they intend to improve on: patient self-management, safety and quality of care, decreased cost without losing quality, access to care, and efforts to improve health programs on a population basis. These five goals of comprehensive disease management encompass all the major factors involved with the positive uses of disease management programs. Most disease management programs are designed to help out the patients by improving the health of those with chronic conditions and reducing associated costs from avoidable complications. They aim to do this by identifying and treating these chronic conditions more quickly and more effectively, thereby slowing the progression of these diseases. Most disease management is population based, and aims to intervene in those local populations to specifically improve identified problems. Disease management is generally considered part of population health and can be divided into four categories: disease management, lifestyle management, demand management, and condition management. Disease management focuses on specific