Disney Cultural Factors

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Technological Factors at Walt Disney

Technology has always been synonymous with progress, and this is no different for Disney, who have incorporated new technology at every turn, notably in their major parks such as Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

As a major tourist attraction, Walt Disney World has embraced each evolution of transport, and done its best to make the park accessible from all reaches of the planet. Part of the reason for the location of the park alone is its inbuilt accessibility, being near a major freeway, and not far from the large city of Orlando, which has an international airport. This ease of access has largely contributed to the staggering number of guests that the resort welcomes every year.

Disney took the idea of technological advancement event further with the introduction of their “Magic Bands”, a watch-like device that allows for easy access to hotel rooms, rides, and food within the resort, and bundles all the …show more content…

The advent of long range travel has meant that more and more people are willing to explore further into the world than they ever could before, and Disney has embraced this by making significant to efforts to make sure that major Disney parks such as Walt Disney World are highly sought after locations for tourists to travel to.

One way in which Disney has integrated this thirst for exploration is via their international internships at Walt Disney World, which allow opportunity for those youths that wish to take gap years or otherwise study abroad before committing to a full-time career. As a result of this the resort is granted extra publicity via the peers of these individuals, and the advertising of institutes that promote the internships to their