Disparities In Health Care Essay

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University of the people
Discussion Forum unit 7
SOC 1502 - AY2018-T1

What factors do you think contribute to the disparities in health among ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups in your country? What diseases are the most stigmatized? Which are the least? Is this different in different cultures or social classes?

It being a long-term challenge among certain groups due to the disparities in health care in the united states. whereby, this groups experiences poor health come because they are ignored and likewise, receives less, lower quality health care than others in the country.

What is disparities: it is a lack of equality and similarity, in a way that is not fair. Retrieved on 10/21/17 from: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/disparity …show more content…

On the issue of disparity which has been way back history, the fact about this, is that health care provide on their part are involved in biased and stereotyping which in turn affects the way they relate and treat their patient. On the other hand, it is a problem for minorities to have access to care, even if they are insured on the same level with whites. Factors such as cultural familiarity, language and geography are all barriers that affects minorities, likewise policy, legal and regulations do affect minorities to receive quality care.

Therefore, disparities in health among ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups in the united states has been a long-standing issue. Among are socioeconomic status, gender language, age sexual identity etc. An example in the united states there are differences in health care on the bases of immigration status which affects the Hispanics population.

What diseases are the most stigmatized? Which are the

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