Disputes Between The North And The South Between 1850-1860

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Constructing the North and the South With time going on during the 1850s into 1860 in america, the North and South regions had begun to separate as regions and began to form two different country and focus on themselves as independent. Both of these regions have had many disputes on what they believed to be the right thing for America so this lead to them trying to solve things by compromising with each other. Each These two sides varied in their geography ,economy, transportation and their society. Due to the North's climate and geography they couldn't grow cash crops like the South could. They Couldn't plant cash crops because the grounds up North were more rocky than the South. The weather also was a struggle because they had cold snowy winters and warm summers which didn't allow them to grow crops year around like southern states could. In the south their grounds and conditions were opposite to the North. They didn't have rocky soil so they could plant more. The weather down South was long hot humid summers with heavy rainfall which was good for the plants. They didn't have long winters and barely snowed so yearlong they …show more content…

The North had to do something else beside grow cash crops due to the conditions so they had to turn to industry. They had a different types of industry in the North varying from shipbuilding to fur trade and mining. In the North had up to five times more numbers of running factories at the time and 90% of the nation skilled workers lived and work in the north with all these jobs. In the South all their economy was based on agriculture and the producing and selling of cash crops. The economy in the South was different from the North because the South was “built of the labor of african americans slaves.”. In the South it had a very high concentration of large plantations for cash crops such as tobacco, rice sugarcane, cotton, Etc. ( Schulman, nd)