
Dissatisfactions Of World War One With The Austro-Hungarian Empire

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Austro-Hungarian Empire
Let's start off first with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Hungary had many dissatisfactions with the Austrians rule. In a effort to support for the monarchy Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria was making negotiations to compromise with Hungary’s maygar. The Emperor could not ignore the power of Hungary’s nobility. Hungary would not take anything but dualism. The Emperor was having his coordination as king of Hungary. There two capitals were Budapest which is the capital of Hungary and Vienna which is the main capital and Austria’s capital. It became an official empire in March 1st, 1867 and dissolved 1918.

When it declared its independence on October 28, 1918. This country consisted of two different Slavic countries which are the Slovakia and Czech Republic. These two countries both had half of the population of there countries in Czechoslovakia. Czech land was handed over to Nazi, Germany As an Ally to Germany in World War II. It was then handed over to Hitler for appeasement. Czechoslovakia …show more content…

It was part of the German dynasty. Hohenzollern. The capital of Prussia is Berlin. It united Germany under its leadership in 1871 and seized much of northern Germany and western Poland. After the fall of the Hohenzollern which removed most of the former kingdom by the Allies and became part of Germany after its defeat in World War II.

Republic of Texas Before it was ever a state in the United States it was a country. It was ruled by the Mexicans when it was called Tejas. In 1836 the Texas Revolution Began and ended on April 21, 1836. The United States recognized the Republic of Texas but didn’t annex it. Throughout the republics’ existence a dispute with Mexico and the United states began until the Republic of Texas became a state on February 19, 1846. But the dispute still happened and started the Mexican-American War. (1846-1848)

Empire of

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