Dissolved Oxygen Lab Report

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Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is one of the most crucial properties of water quality; the oxygen dissolved in a body of water is used by all of the life within. Fish, plankton, bacteria, and other organisms in a body of water need oxygen for their cellular (and macro) respiratory systems. Without sufficient levels of oxygen in the water, life could not live within (src). 4-5 mg/L is the minimum DO concentration that can accommodate a variety of fish populations, and a large shift of DO can have drastic effects on the ecosystem. Different fish and underwater organisms require different amounts of DO to survive, but usually they need more than a bare minimum for reproduction, for their eggs, and for younger stages of life. A DO concentration of above 9 mg/L will support the widest variety of fish (src). Dissolved Oxygen levels do not affect humans or animals directly, although changes to the ecosystem around the body of water as a result of high or low DO levels can affect them. …show more content…

Using these results, the Swimming Area has the highest Dissolved Oxygen levels and is thus best suited for organism life in terms of oxygen levels; however, all four locations are above the previously listed 9 mg/L concentration, the level that supports the widest variety of fish and other life in the pond. The variances in DO levels among the locations are large but do not greatly affect the life in the water, since past the 9 mg/L the differences in the variety of life are minute, yet a greater concentration past this point may allow for an even higher density of fish and other organisms in the

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