Distributive Justice Essay

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Distributive and Corrective justice are the forms of attaining justice for the reconstruction of unequal social order through the rule of law. Relative equality in treating different persons while granting relief according to need, or reward and punishment according to merit and guilt is the essence of distributive prevent ¬¬¬¬justice. Corrective justice is one of the most influential non-economic perspective of tort law. It is clear from the principle of corrective justice that an individual has a duty to correct the faults his own wrongful action causes.
If you have been wronged, consider what kind of justice you are really seaking. If you are the wrong-doer and others are seeking justice against you, seek first to ensure distributive justice. …show more content…

Each individual who is harmed by a moral wrong done by another has a right to rectification, regardless of distributive merit.
Distributive justice explains the morally required distribution of shares of resources and liberty among the people. Corrective justice explains the moral obligation of repair i.e. the person morally responsible for wrongfully harming; repair even when an unjust distribution of holdings is wrongfully distributed. Corrective justice is one of the most influential non-economic perspective of tort law.it is clear from the principle of corrective justice that an individual has a duty to correct the faults his own wrongful action causes.
Distributive justice comprehends more than achieving, lessening of inequalities. It is nothing but a remedial measure in keeping with the policy of the state for rendering social and economic justice. Corrective justice is based on the norm that any wrong committed by any person must be corrected to bring back the status quo. I am in favour of view that corrective justice takes as found the positive law measure of those interests who merit protection in individual’s interaction with others, and explain on which account holding that corrective justice is