Black Grandfather: A Brief Film Analysis

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It is imperative that the superhero world embraces diversity. When we include diversity in superhero narratives it allows and encourages minority youth to learn their history, embrace their culture and increases their self-esteem. When kids see African American superheroes it gives them the feeling that they can connect or maybe even be in those shoes one day. Also kids need several ways to learn more about their culture because textbooks are not gonna cut it in the next few years. If every show or cartoon was made of white people it would feed right into the world that we the people created far as race and color. Diversity plays a huge part in our everyday lives based on shows, activities and other media sources there are not enough …show more content…

Black panther was the prime example of what needs to be done and what we need more of. The film gave out information about culture that we did not know of. When films like this hit the market black people should support it because it helps us out in tons of ways such as helping our youth walk around with their heads held high. This film should make every black person feel good about themselves and be proud. A Lot of minority people dont know there history or where their culture originated from if you pay attention to the film you could actually learn somethings that the education system won 't teach you with textbooks. Most of this information they dont want us to know. Learning black history has been a major concern of African and African American authors from the beginning. In fact African American identity underwent drastic transformations between the eighteenth century and twentieth century. The New Negro and The Souls of Black Folks shows, African American identity has shifted from an early tribal identity, to a dehumanized identity based in slavery, and finally to a new type of Negro identity based in art and African origins. If every kid believed that they could do any and everything that they put there mind too the world would be really different. The kids this generation knows that they have a limit to what they can do if they want to. It 's a whole bunch of people …show more content…

But too often they’re props, existing mostly to support white leads or to directly address race. That’s a shame for minority actors, whose talents are being underutilized, and for viewers, because it makes for bad TV. Being proud of who you are plays a huge part in life so it would seem that when it comes to being comfortable and being able to express who you are has positive psychological benefits such as improved self esteem.When it comes to body image and self esteem it is clear that “global connectedness” and appreciation of different cultures, plays a key part. America is really moving toward accepting diversity however, the nation 's young minority population, now more important than ever to its future, has a long way to go. Early childhood is also the time when children first become aware of differences among people and start to form opinions and attitudes about these differences. This awareness also means young children are sensitive to experiences of racism and prejudice. This can impact on their social and emotional wellbeing, their learning and their social relationships. Children’s connection to their culture develops through their experiences. In particular, warm and secure emotional connections with the adults who care for them help children connect with their cultural