Table of Contents
Abstract 3
I. Introduction 4
1.1 The Topic of the Study 4
1.2 The Significance of the Study 4
1.3 The Purpose of the Study 4
1.4 The Intellectual Aspect 4
1.5 The Domain of the Study 5
1.6 The Hypothesis 5
II. Literature Review 5
III. The Methodology of Research 8
3.1 The Method of Research 8
3.2 The Instruments of Data Collection and Development 8
3.3 Classification of the Results 9
3.4 Interpretations 15
3.5 Limitation (in process): chu ma 2derit aamoul 16
3.6 Conclusion 16
Divorce takes place when parents get separated from each other and this sometimes will affect their children; they might have psychological problems. However some students accept their parents divorce without being psychologically affected
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Since divorce rates are increasing, the effects of divorce on children should be well researched especially that during the time where there parents are getting divorced they are still expected to attend school and live a regular life.
In general There are a lot of psychological effects that divorce inflicts on children and teenagers. It can sometimes lead to very negative behavior and sometimes depression. ?. The significance of the study is to show the psychological effects of divorce on children and teenagers and to raise awareness that divorce is a serious social crises which should be avoided the significance of my research is the psychological effects of divorce on children and how does it affects them.
1.3 The Purpose of the Study
I am conducting my study in order to investigate the perception of children between the age of 11 and 18 regarding the probable or the actual divorce of their parents.
1.4 The Intellectual Aspect
The study will examine the psychological effects of divorce on children according to their own points of view
1.5 The Domain of the Study the question of the
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Anxiety, depression, pregnancy, sleep problem stress are some problems that are caused because of divorce in the children. Also to children sometimes blame themselves, by saying “it’s my fault that my parents are divorcing. This is “guilt feeling” which has nothing to do with the conflict. The divorce they relieve children as in they are violent parents. Waller stein is quoted in sherfans article “when we have violence, divorce is necessary for children and sherfans agrees with walter . Children don’t ask to be brought to this world. The solution of children that live in divorce homes are counseling and psychotherapy. (Anxiety self-esteem...). Parents also can benefits