
Divorce Rate In America Essay

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In America there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds, that’s nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week, and 876,000 divorces per a year (Shocking Divorce Statistics, 2016) Marriage is by far one of the most strenuous relationships one will endure through out there life time. It does not discriminate, whether you’re gay, straight, purple or blue, marriages demand copious amounts of time and dedication. In a society where posting status updates, selfies’ and snaps has become the norm, causing an already self- indulgent society to air their problems for the world to comment on, there is no wonder why the divorce rate in the United States is 41%, frankly most would be shocked that it is not higher. When in fact the percentage rate has gone down about 5-7% in the last 40 years. Although the rate has lowered, the reality is that some marriages fail. The epidemic of divorce is growing in today’s society caused by lack of communication between partners, finances, and infidelity. Lack of communication …show more content…

In most couples one spouse is in charge of all the finances, causing the other spouse to be ignorant in spending and savings. Spending habits of one spouse can cause major conflict, be it too much money spent by one spouse or not enough money allotted for certain types of spending. Being too frugal and hiding money is also a cause for failure, especially in a marriage that is experiencing financial problems. It is especially disheartening for one spouse who makes less money to feel equal in supporting the household. Money causes stress to a marriage; fighting if there is not enough money, if one spouse has and makes more money, or spends too much money. This can deteriorate a marriage very quickly. Couples often choose to ignore the subject of money to keep from the fighting, or constantly fight about money causing their marriage to

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