Argumentative Essay: The Use Of DNA Evidence In Courts

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Deoxyribonucleic acid (Dna) might sound like the miracle that made Spiderman, and that is by no means false, because DNA is what made and will make every single living creature on this planet. DNA is what makes us all unique, whether your brothers, sisters, cousins, parents and children.

The world is busy debating many scandalous topics, however, only a few share the same importance, as the matter considering the use of DNA as a source of evidence in courts. Based on the research that I conducted, I recommend the use of DNA in courts but not as a sole piece of evidence, but an important part of it.

DNA is a debated for suggestion mainly because of the extreme reliability it offers. Which permits it to legally exonerate those accused of a crime they have not committed, and rightly convicting somebody of a crime he/she did commit, which would reduce the rate of criminals wrongly relieved of a criminal case by a great deal. …show more content…

A FBI study indicated that since 1989, DNA evidence excluded the primary suspect in 25% of sexual assault cases. Sexual assault cases are of really high importance and happen worldwide, and DNA evidence makes it hard for the assaulter to deny his/her actions. This is due to the traceable DNA, a person would inject in his/her victim after sexual intercourse is conducted.

DNA could be a revolutionary turning point in the world of crime solving, because of its durability in this world, which could last for decades, explaining many unsolved mysteries that occurred in the

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