Dna Fingerprinting Lab Report

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The lab focuses on DNA fingerprinting which is usually done in forensics to catch criminals by the analysis of DNA fragments of different sizes by a method called electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is a separation technique that uses an electric field to separate and distinguish biological molecules (this including DNA) in the experiment, gel is used to as a way to apply friction in electrophoresis which can help you easily distinguish between the DNA because of different sizes in the DNA confirmations. The goal of the experiment was to identify between two separate suspects DNA with restriction enzymes that help tell apart the suspects and who was actually at the crime scene. The methods used were the use of a gel made from agarose placed in a gel tray connected to an electrical current because of the DNA being negative and being able to be pulled apart to the positive side and therefore getting a clear spread of the DNA that was cut with restriction enzymes. The conclusion of this experiment was that suspect two was the criminal because of the crime scene DNA that was found matched the DNA of the second suspect when cut with …show more content…

Bands 4-7 had the DNA from suspect 1 and DNA from suspect 2 with enzyme 1 and 2 all of this from left to right respectively as showed on image 1. Image 1 shows how the second suspect is the criminal because when one is looking at the bands of the gel one has to look for how they are identical, if the crime scene samples and one of the DNA samples are identical that means that that is the DNA of the suspect that was there and in image 1 CS1 and CS2 are identical to DNA2/Enz1 and DNA2/Enz2 this can be told because the bands are in the same area horizontally, which makes the culprit the second