
Do Hybrid Vehicles Impact Climate Change?

1393 Words6 Pages

1. Do consumers who buy hybrid vehicles impact climate change?

2. Hybrid Car Savings

3. A summary of the project (a 250-word abstract, synopsis or condensed overview): Identify your focused topic (from which you derived your original research question) and describe what you will be looking at in terms of the topic. Include some key terms and additional 2 questions that will guide your research.

This essay will show Americans the truth behind hybrid vehicles, their environmental impact and effect to climate change. Also, consumers have a right to know all the facts, good as well as bad. I will relate how all of the consumer's choices, environment or climate change, and also hybrid vehicles all relate to each other, and how they positively …show more content…

a. About eighty-three percent of hybrid owners say that they are happy overall with their hybrid cars and say that they will get another hybrid as their next vehicle. According to a survey conducted by Green Car Reports, 33% of hybrid owners cite environmental impact as the top reason for their purchase.

b. Recently, many American car owners are becoming more eco-friendly. These people believe that they are saving the environment, but also saving money at the same time, by purchasing one of these vehicles.

c. The climate also plays a big role, and how the hybrid cars are affecting the environment. The climate also affects us directly every day, and Americans feel the need to do something to help it improve.

d. Many factors can play a role as to why a consumer may go out and buy an eco-friendly hybrid/ electric car. Some such factors could include the profile of the actual consumer buying cars, hybrid car information, or CAFÉ Standards. The climate also plays a big role, and how the hybrid cars are affecting the environment. In addition to what auto companies think, as well as the popularity of hybrid …show more content…

My objectives throughout this paper are to answer my main research question by the end. Also, just to give the audience a better understanding regarding the balance of how hybrid cars, the consumers, and also climate change, are impacted when they all come together.

f. Yes and no. Yes it makes a very slight, not at all significant change to the environment. No because it is not as big of an impact that most people make it out to be.

C. BODY #1

a. Begin by providing background information about hybrid cars in general. There has been an increase in people in the United States buying and driving hybrid vehicles lately and more data about hybrids has become available.

b. New hybrid cars are not as bad as most seem, many look like an ordinary vehicle, but use a rechargeable source to offset the burning of gas and other fuels.

c. Some cars are considered hybrid vehicles because of the unique battery system that is installed into the car which works along with the brake system, yet looks like other normal models of vehicles.

d. Many cars have hybrid models that we do not know much information about.

e. Many more Americans are driving some type of vehicle today, compared to just a few years

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