Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Figurative Language

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For others to understand the use of language effectively, poets uses powerful dynamiss to convey their point. Allaning the audierce to dig deeper with the poet's figurative language and ettects at poner gained or challenged that was signiticant to individuals or society in general. The nation showcases through the poem. "Do not Go Gentle into that hood night" by Dylan Thomas, as he shows the perspective ot how you need to fight or struggle your way to find gratitude and in this case through war. He prompts a menningful understanding ot how life is precious and to be gratefini what you have. Representing to the audience of how effective and useful langnage, illustrating the gratitude through the point. Thamas presents these challenges with strung responses with the use of dynamics and techniames …show more content…

emotions ot rage captured when you are losing time and not catching your goal. Fusthermore, the anaphora in "Do Not no Gentle into That Good Night. " emprusises to the audience as a call of action to make most time of life. Playing on gratitude, presented in life, people are encarrged to live life to the fullest and to put up a fight in the presence of death. Thas, strung emations and heart-tarched ot langnage, Thomas elaborates in detail the moral, pictuning the complerities in life and war. similarly, Thomas portrays powerfl expessions that contributes to the fucter of challenges as grat. itude is not easily faund. Thomas expresses this through" wild men who caugnt and sang the sun in flight." Thonas'" imagers, creates a visiel picture the men who are full of lite, "catchag end sing the sun in the flight" Continues to serve the idea how life should be lived with passion and intensity More over. he personitys "'Their words have forked no lighitning" retiecting Horking" bals as the need fur individual to express thiemselves comprehensively. Reinforcing the idled that they are aware ot the gratitude presented in lite. Hence, the poet makes his situation including his futher thou