Do You Explain Why Or Why Fossil Fuels Are Running Out?

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Renewable Energy Student Text

Problem (below you will explain why/how fossil fuels are running out. This text must be paraphrased into your own words).

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable energy resources. Their supply is constrained and they will eventually run out. It is expected to run out by 2088 (“The End Of Fossil Fuels” n.d.), Fossil fuels don’t reestablish themselves, while for example, wood can be restored endlessly. Out of the three Fossil Fuels, coal creates the most carbon dioxide and regular gas produces the least. Coal and Oil releases sulfur dioxide gas when they burn, which causes breathing issues for living animals and acid rain. (Dorsey, n.d.) Coal causes asthma and other health problems, destroys the environment, and releases …show more content…

Solar Energy has a variety of uses, including, generating electricity, Providing light, heating water for domestic, industrial and providing a comfortable interior environment. Solar Energy is a technology used to harness the sun’s energy and make it useable. Solar Power warms liquids to high temperature in sun oriented warm power plants. Low-Temperature sun gatherers the sun's warmth energy to warmth water or the warmth pretense for warming homes, workplaces and different buildings. (“Solar energy basis,” …show more content…

Fortunately, lots of research have led to efficient solar panel systems that creates electricity without producing global warming pollution. Solar power is currently one of the most important solutions to the global warming crisis and improved public health and natural quality. Producing electricity from renewable vitality instead of fossil fuels offers noteworthy general medical advantages. Coal and regular gas plants is connected to breathing issues, neurological damage, heart assaults, and disease. It does not pollute air by releasing harmful gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or sulphur oxide. So, the risk of damage to the environment is reduced. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy as it can be used to produce electricity as long the sun exists. Sunlight is available everywhere on earth. This energy can be harnesses by installing solar panels than can reduce our dependence on other countries for consistent supply of coal to produce