Documentary Analysis Of The Two Addicts, Dawn And Fabian

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This documentary follows two addicts, Dawn and Fabian, through some of the journey and highlights the unfortunate truths behind addition. Dawn has two sons, Brandon and Tyler, and was a meth user. Fabian is an artist who spends his day injecting or smoking meth and drinking alcohol. For both of them, the high from meth can last up to sixteen hours and has consumed their lives. The premise of this documentary is that the addicts believed they were simply being interviewed about their addiction, when in reality their families were working with experts to stage interventions.
At the time of this filming, she had been injecting meth for ten years and living out of her car and abandoned houses for three. Her sons assert that she acts “ludicrous” …show more content…

The more she uses, the crazier she acts. Unfortunately, she had a rough childhood and some of those events help explain how she came to her addiction. First, her mother was institutionalized and her alcoholic died when she was eleven. Living with her aunt and uncle, she was raped at the age of twelve, started smoking at thirteen, and never graduated high school. Instead, she moved to LA to pursue a modeling career and at age twenty-two, she married and had two kids. When her boys were young, she protected them and was actively involved in their lives. However, she never really gave up doing drugs and ended up getting divorced. At first, Dawn gained custody of the boys, but after two years they were given back to Greg, her ex-husband. Nevertheless, Dawn and the kids lived in the same town and saw each other weekly. For Brandon and Tyler, it was difficult to see their mom acting erratically and squatting in houses. In more than one instance, the landlord of empty homes has called her sons to remove Dawn from the house. The severity of the situation made it obvious that if this intervention did not work, the boys would not be able to continue working so hard for their mother. When Dawn thought she was going to …show more content…

Growing up, Fabian also had a difficult childhood after the age of six. His mother was under a lot of stress and sometimes acted crazy, resulting in a divorce. Then, his mom endured a rough patch of eleven miscarriages which only contributed to her insanity. Furthermore, his mother beat him and his sisters when they acted up or behaved in a way that displeased her. At thirteen, Fabian had his first drink and at fourteen he started drinking a pint a day, smoking, and popping pills. He had a decent life in his twenties after dropping out of high school, having success with working with music companies in Los Angeles. He sunk into a deep depression after his girlfriend had a miscarriage, repeating and bringing back traumatic childhood experiences. At the time of these interviews, he had been addicted to meth for six years and injects or smokes daily. Additionally, he drinks at least a liter a day and has “no plans of going sober any time soon”. In his mind, the drugs fuel him and is the only way he can get through his day. His addiction is so bad that his daily life consists of injecting, drinking, playing around with his art, and repeating. However, many of his friends and family members claim that he could have a successful art career if only he applied himself. At his intervention, Fabian stormed out immediately when he realized that the room was full of loved ones and that it was not a simple