Does Microwave Radiation Affect The Way Plants Grow Experiment

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Concluding Plant Growth
The hypothesis for this experiment was accepted. The hypothesis was; If the plant seeds were exposed to microwave radiation, then the growing process will increase. Three plants were planted, two of the three seeds, were microwaved for different times to see if microwave radiation helped the plant grow faster. The question that was asked was, does radiation affect the way plants grow? At the end of the experiment, the data collected shows that the plant that was not put in the microwave sprouted first but, the plant that was microwaved the longest grew the fastest. This means that microwave radiation will help plants grow faster, so people can plant food and get a fully grown plant in a few weeks. Microwave radiation helps because people with less food, can now microwave a seed and get a full grown plant quickly. So now instead of waiting a long time for a plant to grow just microwave a seed results will be shown in only a couple weeks. …show more content…

There were no bad accidents that happened to the plants or that could have ruined the experiment. The only thing that could have been a problem to others, was the plant might get knocked over a lot so the seed and its roots could have been damaged. The container only spilled a little bit of soil a few times so the plant was not hurt. Everything else in this experiment went as planned with no accidents. A new idea that occurred to me was, that if there was something that the container could hold on to then it would not keep falling over and losing soil. To improve the growing process you could microwave the seed for a longer time. That may speed things up. For future experiments I would change the amount of water you give the plant. You could see if more water helps the plant grow faster. This experiment could work as long as you do not drown the