Are The Effects Of Hormones On The Rosette-Dwarf Wisconsin Fast Plants

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We are doing this experiment to study the effects on hormones on the Wisconsin fast plants Standard and the Rosette Dwarf. Hormones are chemical signals that coordinate the different parts of an organism growth and are equally important in most multicellular organisms from humans to plants.
What are the effects of hormones on the Rosette-Dwarf Wisconsin fast plants?
I hypothesis that the effects of gibberellic acid and abscisic acid would not influence the growth and development of the Rosette-Dwarf plant. The Rosette-Dwarf plant are recessive. The recessive gene have been a result of a mutations that causes the plant to not grow was large as the Standard Wisconsin fast plant. If the gene is a result of a mutation then it will block or damage the receptor proteins that determine growth so even though the hormone is produced and released by the plant, the targeted cell do not react resulting in the plant to not grow as large as the Standard Wisconsin fast plants. …show more content…

The more gibberellic acid and abscisic acid the plant has to start in the first week of life will increase the speed at which the plant will develop and grow. The plant with less hormones will develop slower and grow at a slower rate then the plant provided with a higher dosage of the

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